Everyday you come across things in life that impact you. There are people out there who have gone through so much and want those to know their story in order to educate and prevent the same from happening. Today a former WWF/WWE superstar by the name of Mark Mero came to my school with his presentation. Mero is a WCW, WWF Intercontinental and New York Golden Glove winner. Before this presentation I never heard of him honestly, and before he was introduced they showed highlights of his wreslting career. The clips went from matches against The Rock, Stone Cold, and Undertaker. Being a big wreslting fan, he was before my wreslting fandom so I figured how I could miss him. Now Mero is a guy who resides here in Orlando, Florida and after retiring and the Chris Beniot tragedy he pledged to go around Central Florida schools and talk to kids about drug abuse, thus how he ended up at my school today.
One thing, or moral that I did get from his presentation is that never to give up on your dreams. It is a common phrase and one that I like to promote as well. People today give up too quick or feel like they can't succeed, which is the wrong mindset. The other thing was writing down what you want to accomplish. Today we have the computer, the internet, and this very own blog site as well, and just like Mark we can write down things wherever we want, so I take this time to write down something that I want to accomplish....
I always have a positive mindset whenever I do something, preparing yourself for success is not just physically but mentally. Things do happen and will throw you off course however be prepared for that in all causes because like I believe, prevention is better than cure. What Mark Mero has done is taken his personal life experiences and his ego/persona to promote his message. Why I value this is because it is something that I secretly would like to do with myself in the near future. Now of course I have never been through the things Mero has been through and I hope that I never have to experience the multiple tragedies that he went through but I'd like to have some kind of impact on the youth in showing them the right way. I feel this can't be done with me just being a regular person, so my mission is to set out and become well known, but become well known for a good reason and I have written this down on physical paper, but I'd like to become a legend.
So my concluding message to all of you, I know these are rough times during the economy and things in your everyday life from your family, hobbies, and school may all be looking bad but I'd like to assure you to believe that there will be a brighter side because there is.
Good post Chevy. Following your dreams and not giving up is advice that change lives.