Ok, so I probably don't write as much unless I have something bothering me or I've seen something that has inspired me. Today I have an aspiration of some sort. In class today we watched this movie called "The Secret" and as my last blog was about following your dreams this transitions well into that subject. Before the video I can say that I've sort of believed in the concept of visioning the things you want in life will help you achieve them. However my general concept is that you have to work for it and not expect them to come right at you while you sit around waiting for it.
Law of Attraction:
For those of you who have never heard or seen the movie, it is based on a general concept of the "Law of Attraction". If you don't know what that means then check this out: Wiki's definition
Basically what you surround your thinking and everyday life with is how you will live and how the universe will respond to you. Maybe another analogy is you play how you practice. Do you think about your mistakes all the time and dwell upon them or do you move on and become better than you were before? It really has no religious promises or anti-religion practices at all but I think a religion involves these basic concepts too. I believe a lot of us today surround ourselves with negativity and focus on how bad we failed and what we cannot do. I highly disagree with that as I'm a person who likes to surround myself with positive things from my family, friends, and activities I take part in. What is the point of living life around negativity that only makes you feel less appreciated and pointless?
I can honestly say that I like to envision myself in a nice car, nice home, well paying job that I enjoy, with a beaufitul loving wife at home. I feel there is nothing wrong with that all, of course I can't predict the future nor can I make magic but I'd rather focus on what I want than what I don't want, so I won't even mention those. I'm only lost on one thing and thats how it happens, but according to "the secret" it will soon appear to you just keep visioning. So it's a crazy idea but maybe I'll try it out, I mean afterall I do sit back and imagine myself living real nice.
So lets put this to the test, I'm going to list somethings that I want in life. I will visit this blog daily or maybe every other day and look at this list of things. I really have no clue if this is too practical or just right under the secret.
Too artificial so far?
Ok so these are things I think of everyday and I think more can come as time passes but I honestly have no clue who, what, how and where these things will happen but I'll be sure to update this along as it happens no matter how long it takes!